Monday, May 18, 2020

Early Civilizations Matrix Essay examples - 2440 Words

Ancient Civilizations Matrix HUM/100 INTRO TO THE HUMANITIES THE ANCIENT WORLD TO MEDIEVAL TIMES Early Civilizations Matrix Using your readings and outside sources complete the following matrix. Be sure to address the following in your matrix: †¢ Provide names, titles, dates, brief descriptions of important events, and other details as necessary. †¢ Note the details of key political, socioeconomic, technological, artistic, musical, architectural, philosophical, and literary developments for each civilization listed in the table, which were evidenced in the humanities. Be sure to properly cite the sources that you use in completing this matrix. Civilization Politics Society/ Economics Technology Art Music Architecture Philosophy†¦show more content†¦In these periods many tools were used as Surgery tools for the preservation of bodies also called mummification which made bodies embalmed and preserved to lifelike images. Art consisted on doing portraits of the pharaohs and drawings of the Gods they also illustrated life in every aspect of how they cultured and lived by geroglyphs. Many statues were made and tombs with beautiful gold and jewelry made for the Gods and pharaohs. Music was made bu thoth since their beliefs and they used flutes double clarinets and harps music was used in rituals and many festivities for the pharaoh These is a part of Egypt that was bar none the most impressive part of the civilization the pyramids made of stone with a perfect laser like cut is still to these day a mystery this is a very impressive way of displaying art for the Gods and for the pharaoh. People who was not noble lived in c lay made homes with stone which sheltered them and Nobles lived in temples and beautifully carved with gold and many jewels Egyptians were ruled by the pharaoh’s mentality and his point of view which made philosophy a way of following the pharaohs critical thinking and of course the Gods which were the ones that guided the pharaohs. Poems, Geroglyphs, arts and written prayers even drawings that depicted life were part of every day reading.Show MoreRelatedEarly Civilization Essay621 Words   |  3 PagesEarly Civilizations Matrix Using your readings and outside sources complete the following matrix. 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